Healthier Lizagna Recipe

I love making lasagna in the winter.  It can be very high in calories and fat, but with a few tweaks, you can enjoy lasagna (and lots of leftovers) with this healthier and delicious recipe!

Servings: 8 
6 whole wheat lasagna noodles
1 tsp olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 green pepper, chopped
1 bag spinach, washed
1 package of low-fat ground turkey breast (such as Jennie-O extra lean ground turkey breast)
2 jars tomato sauce (try to find one with less than 50 calories per 1/2 cup such as Whole Foods 365 brand Tomato Basil)
1 can of low sodium diced tomatoes
1 container of fat-free ricotta cheese
1 egg
1 package of 2% shredded mozzarella cheese
Garlic powder
Italian seasoning
Dash of pepper and parsley, to taste
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Cook 6 whole wheat pasta noodles (about 1/2 package) according to cooking directions on box
  3. Meanwhile, saute onion and peppers in olive oil.  After a few minutes, add spinach and a few dashes of garlic powder and Italian seasoning.  Remove cooked vegetables and put in separate bowl.  
  4. Cook ground turkey breast in same saute pan until all meet has a white color. 
  5. Add 2 jars of tomato sauce, vegetable mix and can of tomatoes to the cooked turkey meat and simmer for 5 minutes.
  6. Mix ricotta cheese, egg, pepper and parsley.
  7. Spray 9x13 pan with cooking spray and layer: sauce, 3 noodles, entire ricotta cheese mixture, majority of sauce, sprinkle with mozzarella cheese (1/3 package), 3 remaining noodles, remainder of sauce, and sprinkle with mozzarella cheese (1/3 package).  
  8. Bake covered with tin foil for 45 minutes; remove foil and bake for another 10 minutes. Let cool for at least 10 minutes before enjoying.  
Tip:  The prep time may be more than other dishes but it makes such a huge portion that it's worth it.  Freeze leftovers for delicious and easy meals! 

Liz's Favorites: Extra Lean Turkey Breast

Looking for a quick and healthy meal?  Something I like to always have in my freezer is a package of Jennie-O Extra Lean Ground Turkey Breast.

TIP:  Make sure the package says "ground turkey breast" and not simply "ground turkey", which may actually include the turkey skin, and is higher in fat and calories!

Nutrition Facts:  The "Extra Lean" version has only 120 calories, 1.5 grams of fat and 26 grams of protein per serving (5 servings per container).  The "Ground Turkey" version has 220 calories, 17 g fat and 19 g protein.

You can use it to make many things; some of my favorites include whole wheat pasta with meat sauce, lasagna, tacos, chili and turkey burgers.  If it is stored in the freezer, always thaw it in the refrigerator the night before you want to use it and never on the counter as this increases the risk of bacterial growth.

Recipes coming soon!

Foods to Avoid on a Date

Julie, from Can't Hardly Date, blogs about her hilarious online dating experiences.  The blog made me think about foods to avoid when you first start dating someone.

Watch out for the following:

1. Messy foods:  Major turnoffs include food all over your face and licking fingers clean. Try to avoid eating messy foods such as ribs, chicken wings, lobster, tacos, soup (if you tend to slurp) and big sushi rolls (stick to one-bite pieces).

2. Food stuck in your teeth:  Limit spinach, corn and foods with seeds that can easily get lodged.  Try to swish water in your mouth when your date isn't looking. If you are really worried, bring floss with you for a quick trip to the restroom.

3. Purple teeth: Some people's teeth become stained very easily from red wine. If this is you, stick to other drinks such as white wine, beer or a clear cocktail.

4. Gas:  If you have bad gas, there is no date #2.  Before the date and during the meal, limit foods you can't tolerate such as beans, prunes, raw veggies, high fat, spicy foods, and milk (for some people).  You don't want to end up like this guy who was in the bathroom three times during the date....yikes!

5. Get a good night kiss: Avoid bad breath!  Stay away from heavy onions, garlic or spices; foods that limit bacteria growth include fruits, veggies and cheese.  Keep a pack of sugar-free gum such as Trident in your pocket or purse for an easy breath refresher.  Don't smoke (unless your date smokes too)!

Bottom line:  Choose foods that you can eat with a fork and knife, swish your mouth with water after dinner and pop a piece of sugar-free gum.  Keep these tips in mind and you just might make it to date number two!

Thanksgiving Leftovers

Thanksgiving is around the corner so it's time to talk about leftovers.  Many people leave food out for hours to let guests nibble throughout the evening which can cause bacterial growth.  Avoid getting a foodborne illness this Thanksgiving!

1. Avoid cross-contamination: Use separate plates, utensils, cutting board, etc for raw meat and cooked meat to avoid spreading harmful bacteria.  

2. Chill food fast: Food should not sit out on the counter for more than 2 hours in the "danger zone" which is 41-135 degrees Fahrenheit.  This temperature range is where most bacteria grows.  If you want to keep food out, make sure the cold food is kept below 41 degrees and the hot food above 135 degrees.  You CAN put hot food in fridge and foods will cool down faster in shallow containers.

3. Heat leftovers well: Make sure the food is steaming after being reheated in the microwave.

Have a safe and delicious Thanksgiving!!

Sugar-free foods

Nutrition Lizard, "Should I choose sugar-free foods?"

The answer depends on what type of sugar-free ingredients are used.  Companies replace sugar with either artificial sweeteners (such as Splenda and Equal) or sugar alcohols, also called polyols, such as sorbitol and mannitol.  

Artificial sweeteners have zero calories and switching from regular calorie soda and juice to diet versions may be helpful for people who are trying to reduce calories and lose weight.  It's important to keep in mind that some people may actually feel hungrier after consuming a diet drink on an empty stomach, so it is advised to only consume artificial sweeteners with a meal.

Sugar alcohols are commonly found in sugar-free candies, cookies, chewing gum, frozen desserts and jams.  Sugar alcohols are not completely absorbed by our bodies and can cause abdominal pain, gas, bloating and diarrhea.  Even a small amount can cause discomfort.  Therefore, try to limit consumption of sugar alcohols. 

Reading nutrition labels for sugar alcohols:  Look for "sugar alcohols" under the Total Carbohydrates category.  

Read the ingredient list for the common sugar alcohols, also known as polyols: sorbitol, mannitol, malitol, erythritol, hydrogenated starch hydrolysates, xylitol, isomalt and lactitol. 

Bottom line: Consume artificial sweeteners in moderation and try to avoid sugar alcohols!  

Healthier Host

 You are hosting Thanksgiving and want to have a healthier meal. Here are some tips:

  1. Use smaller plates: Research shows people typically try to fill and clean their plates, regardless of size. 
  2. Leave bowls of food in kitchen and not on the table where it is easy to grab seconds and thirds and fourths.
  3. Serve only white meat turkey without the skin.
  4. Use a gravy separator to remove the gravy fat before serving.
  5. Make sweet potatoes instead of white mashed potatoes which typically has butter and sour cream or half & half.  Sweet potatoes are higher in vitamins and minerals.  Add a small amount of trans-fat free margarine and brown sugar. 
  6. Stuffing: Make your own using whole-wheat bread. There are many recipes online. 
  7. Green bean casserole: Use 98% fat free condensed mushroom soup, skim milk and make your own fried onions for the topping.  Chop onions, coat them in flour and cook on the stove with cooking spray.  Leave out the soy sauce to reduce sodium.
  8. Pumpkin pie: Make your own crust with graham crackers and trans-fat free margarine.  Use skim evaporated milk, egg beaters and fat free cool whip to replace high calorie alternatives. 

Liz's Favorites: Gravy Fat Separator

Enjoy the gravy without the fat!  One of my favorite holiday gadgets is a gravy fat separator.  Pour the gravy in and wait for the fat to float to the top.  When you pour it into a serving bowl, you can capture only the gravy and none of the fat.

Tastes great and saves calories...amazing!

Enjoying Thanksgiving Dinner....with no guilt!

Thanksgiving is a time we all pretend we haven't eaten in weeks and most people feel uncomfortably full after we are done!   You can still enjoy all your favorites without the guilt and without adding a few pounds.

  • Drink plenty of calorie-free drinks such as water, sugar-free drinks or unsweetened tea.  This will help fill you up so you do not overeat.
  • Eat breakfast and lunch: coming to dinner hungry will cause you to eat fast and overeat. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to recognize that you are full! 
  • Watch portion sizes: enjoy your favorite foods but take smaller portions.  Try to fill 1/2 the plate with veggies, 1/4 with white turkey meat without the skin and 1/4 with starches such as potatoes or stuffing. 
  • Stick to one serving: if you still feel hungry, wait 10 minutes and then go back for seconds or skip seconds and save the calories for dessert instead.
  • Take a walk: Don't run a marathon but weather permitting take a short walk after dinner to help you feel less stuffed (and guilty).

More to come on calorie-saving tips if you are hosting Thanksgiving!

Dairy-Free Calcium Sources

It is recommended to consume 3 cups of milk/yogurt per day to ensure we receive enough calcium to keep our bones strong and avoid osteoporosis.  Many people are lactose intolerant or simply do not like milk or yogurt. Here's a list of a few dairy-free foods high in calcium:

    Fortified cereal, orange juice or soy milk
    Salmon with the bones
    Collards, spinach, turnip greens
    Tofu and soybeans

Vitamin D is also very important for bone health - more to come on vitamin D!  

Butter vs. Margarine

"Nutrition Lizard, what's better butter or margarine?"  The big winner is TUB margarine, not hard (stick) margarine.

Butter is high in saturated fat, which has been shown to raise LDL (bad) cholesterol and clog arteries.

Margarine is high in trans fat (also called partially hydrogenated oil) which is produced by changing the chemical structure of vegetable oils.  It is more harmful than saturated fat because it raises LDL and lowers HDL (good) cholesterol.

Choose a tub margarine that is low in saturated and trans fats!  Good choices include Smart Balance Light, Country Crock Omega Plus Light, Olivio Light, Promise Light, etc.  For cooking, choose non-light versions of the tub margarines.

Foods with Fiber

In the previous post, there was a list of the types of food high in fiber; 100% whole wheat foods, fruits and vegetables, beans and nuts.  Below are a few examples of fiber content in foods.  Additional information can be found at the Mayo Clinic.

Goals: men 38 grams per day and women 25 grams per day.
  • High fiber cereal (such as All Bran, Shredded Wheat, Raisin Bran): 5-10 grams
  • Wheat bread, brown rice or pasta: 3-6 grams
  • Apple, orange, pear, berries: 4-5 grams
  • Squash or potato: 4-6 grams
  • Beans (1/2 cup): 6-10 grams

Ask the RD: Fiber

A reader emailed me this question:

"Nutrition Lizard, I know that I am supposed to eat fiber and everything seems to have fiber in it these days, even Splenda. How much fiber should I be eating and what are the best sources?"

Dietitians do encourage people to consume fiber for a few reasons:
  1. Bowel regularity
  2. Lowers cholesterol
  3. Makes us feel full (satiety)
  4. May help lower blood sugar
Men should be eating about 38 grams per day and women 25 grams per day.

Tips to increase fiber intake:
  • Look for 100% whole-wheat breads, cereals and flour
  • Keep fiber-rich skin on fruits and vegetables
  • Eat beans which are naturally very high in fiber
  • Choose brown/whole-wheat alternatives for rice, pasta, crackers and breads
  • Start increasing your fiber slowly and drink plenty of water as your body needs more fluid with increased fiber
Food companies add fiber products such as "inulin" or "chicory root" to foods (ex. Splenda). Studies show these added fibers do not provide all the health benefits as eating the foods naturally high in fiber. Try to stick to whole-wheat products, fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans.

More to come on specific foods with fiber!

Liz's Favorites: Immersion Blender

One of my favorite items right now is my new immersion blender. You don't need to get the most expensive one either - mine was only $30! I use it with soup, chili and apple sauce. You can put it right in the pot and it blends some of the food to create a thick soup or smooth apple sauce. You can also use it to make smoothies or salad dressing as well!

Healthy Snack Recipe

My friend Kellie makes this appetizer and it's always a huge hit! It's tasty and a healthy snack!

  • Reduced-fat Triscuit crackers
  • 2% milk sharp chedder cheese
  • Apple - sliced thin
  • Cinnamon to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place Triscuit crackers on backing sheet. Add a small piece of cheddar cheese, then an apple slice and sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake for about 5-10 minutes until the cheese has melted and the apple is warm.

These snacks are quick and easy and provide fiber, vitamins and a little protein and calcium from the cheese.



It’s 3:30pm and we’re hungry. What do most of us do? We grab anything we can find such as candy on a coworkers’ desk or hit up the vending machines, which mostly has high fat, high sodium and high calorie foods. There is a place for snacks in a healthy eating plan. Snacks can boost your energy between meals and supply essential vitamins and minerals. Just choose wisely!

Snack Tips

· Snack only when you are actually hungry and skip the urge to nibble when you’re bored or stressed

· Remember to keep portion control in mind by keeping snacks to 200 calories or less

· Try to get a combination of fiber and protein

· Plan snacks ahead of time to avoid overeating or relying on poor food choices like the vending machine

· Drink plenty of water – many times we feel hungry when we are actually thirsty!

Snack Ideas On the Go

· ¼ cup of almonds, walnuts or peanuts

· Mix veggies such as carrots, peppers, celery, cucumbers or tomatoes with 2 T hummus or individual snack sizes

· 2 cups of air-popped popcorn is high in fiber and fun to eat

· 1 slice whole-grain bread, ½ banana and 1 T of natural peanut butter

· 1 oz low-fat cheese (about 2 dice) and 5 whole-grain crackers

· 1 cup low fat cottage cheese with 1 cup fresh fruit

· Edamame in the shell - it takes longer to eat and is a very healthy and tasty snack

· ½ sandwich made with 1 piece whole-grain bread, low fat meat and low fat cheese

· Protein bars that are under 200 calories and low in saturated fat

· Low-fat or fat-free Greek yogurt has more protein than regular yogurt which keeps you full

Snack Ideas at Home

· 1 small corn tortilla, ¼ cup black beans or 1 egg, and 2 T fresh salsa

· Fruit smoothie – blend 1 cup plain non-sweetened yogurt with ¾ cup frozen fruit and some water

· Cereal and milk can be a great option! Choose a high protein, high fiber cereal and ½ cup of skim or low fat milk

· 1 cup of broth-based soup with 3-4 whole-grain crackers

· Mini pizza - Toast a whole-grain English muffin, drizzle with pizza sauce and sprinkle with low-fat mozzarella cheese

· 1 small tuna package in water with 1 T low-fat mayo or avocado and 5 whole-grain crackers

· Banana Pops – Take ½ banana, push a popsicle stick in it and spread 1 T peanut butter and 1 T walnuts; wrap in waxed paper and freeze for 3 hours

· 1 package of instant oatmeal made with water