Should you buy organic fruits and vegetables instead of standard non-organic produce? What about organic milk and meat? There currently are debates whether organic foods are more nutritious but we do know organic foods have less pesticides, are better for the environment and many think they taste better. However, buying all organic foods can be expensive and is
not necessary.
The top 12 standard produce with the most pesticides are shown below and called the "
Dirty Dozen". Try to buy organic for the following fruits and vegetables if possible. If your budget allows, try to choose organic milk, yogurt and meats.
Dirty Dozen
- Celery
- Peaches
- Strawberries
- Apples
- Blueberries
- Nectarines
- Bell peppers
- Spinach
- Kale
- Cherries
- Potatoes
- Imported Grapes
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